Celebrate 150 years with Soirée de Bourbonnais kicking off our Sesquicentennial! Tickets now available here.


Village introduces new sewer and garbage rate 

Bourbonnais, IL - Effective August 1, 2019, residents will see an increase on their Village of Bourbonnais monthly bill. The cost increase is inclusive of both the sewer and garbage monthly rate and is a result of increased sewer operating costs, as well as, increased garbage service fees. A residential, single-family home will see an increase of $6.50 per month totaling a $66.00 flat rate fee (versus the previous $59.50). The last rate increase went into effect two years prior in July 2017.

New wayfinding signage program initiated

Bourbonnais, IL - The Village of Bourbonnais landscape will see some major improvements over the next three years. The first phase of the new wayfinding signage program is underway in the village. The LED sign at the Administration Building includes village-specific announcements, events, reminders and more for residents. We thank community partners, Bourbonnais Friendship Festival and HomeStar Bank, for their financial contributions to this project.

Temporary stop signs in place

Bourbonnais, IL - As the Village of Bourbonnais prepares for the return of the Chicago Bears Training Camp at Olivet Nazarene University, traffic flow into and out of the heavily-attended event is taken into consideration. Today, Monday, July 15, 2019, temporary stop signs have been placed at the corner of Armour Road and Stadium Drive to help alleviate traffic congestion. These signs will be removed at the conclusion of the training camp.

IDOT Announces I-57 Nightly Closures

St. George Road overpass to be demolished

Bourbonnais, IL - Beginning Monday, July 8, 2019, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) confirms the St. George Road overpass will be demolished as a part of the replacement project over Interstate-57. As a result, I- 57 will undergo approximately five nightly closures from 8:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m. Motorists will be detoured accordingly via the following routes on Bourbonnais Parkway:

Crews Out for Cleanup Post Summer Storm

Here's what you need to know

Bourbonnais, IL - Following yesterday's brutal storm with wind gusts up to 74 mph, 870 were left without power according to ComEd, and many trees and branches were left throughout the village in the aftermath. Here's what you need to know as crews work diligently to get your home back up after the blast:

Make Way for the Friendship Festival

Annual notice for temporary road closures

Bourbonnais, IL – Beginning in the evening hours Saturday, June 22, 2019, William Latham Drive from Illinois Route 102 to Plum Creek Drive and also Plum Creek Drive from William Latham Drive to Briarcliff Lane will be closed for the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival. All roads are scheduled to be reopened by the morning of Monday, July 1, 2019.

New Sewer and Garbage Rate Considered

Increase to reflect rising costs

Bourbonnais, IL – Following the assessment of increased sewer operating costs and the continuing increase of garbage costs, the village will propose a rate increase to cover these rising expenses. The recommended increase will total $6.50 per month for a single, residential property within the Village of Bourbonnais. Currently, residential, single-family homes pay a monthly flat rate fee of $59.50, inclusive of sewer and garbage services. If approved, the rate increase will become effective beginning August 1, 2019 to allow residents and businesses adequate time to prepare for the adjustment. The last rate increase went into effect two years prior in July 2017.

1st Bourbonnais Parkway Permits Issued

Groundbreaking underway for development

Bourbonnais, IL - The highly-anticipated initial groundbreakings at the Bourbonnais Parkway I-57 interchange development area have been given the green light. The Village of Bourbonnais issued the first building permit on Thursday, May 16, 2019 to Gas N Wash. The 7,000 square foot facility will be constructed at the southwest corner of Bourbonnais Parkway and Route 45. The second building permit will be issued the week of May 20, 2019 for Courtyards of Cobblestone. The single-family residential development will be located at the southwest corner of Bourbonnais Parkway and Stonebridge Boulevard.

Bourbonnais PD Honor Fallen Officer

Memorial Tree Dedication Honoring Patrolman Honeycutt

Bourbonnais, IL — For upcoming Law Enforcement Memorial Month in May, Bourbonnais Police planted a tree for dedication to former Patrolman Justin Honeycutt. Patrolman Honeycutt passed away on November 4, 2011, as a result of a car accident on his way to work at the Bourbonnais Police Department. He was 27 years old. The memorial tree dedication in Patrolman Honeycutt’s honor will be held Thursday, May 16, 2019, at 3:30 p.m. on the front lawn of the Bourbonnais Police Department at 700 Main Street NW. The public is invited to attend.

St. George Road Overpass Construction

New Bridge is on the Horizon

Bourbonnais, IL – Beginning April 8, 2019, the St. George Road (5000N Rd) overpass will be closed to all through traffic. Signage has been placed as a reminder to motorists. The joint project with the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Kankakee County Highway Department and the Village of Bourbonnais will be replacing the overpass with a new structure that is both motorist AND pedestrian-friendly.