Celebrate 150 years with Soirée de Bourbonnais kicking off our Sesquicentennial! Tickets now available here.


Police department now accepting donations

Bourbonnais, IL — Christmas doesn’t have COVID-19. Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, the annual Shop with a Cop event will be held Sunday, December 13, 2020 but will be heavily-modified to ensure a safe holiday experience. The program, hosted by the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with the Bourbonnais Police Department and local law enforcement agencies, benefits underprivileged children in Kankakee County. The Bourbonnais Police Department is accepting financial donations through Monday, December 7th at 700 Main Street NW Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

Introducing another safe and festive activity for all ages

Bourbonnais, IL – Color us excited this holiday season! The Village of Bourbonnais introduces “A Very Merry Coloring Contest” sponsored by Aqua Illinois and Milner Media. This new activity for village residents provides a safe and festive experience for all ages. The custom Bourbonnais coloring page can be downloaded and printed at home. Available copies will also be accessible in front of the Administration Building at 600 Main Street NW for pickup, if needed. Categories include ages 6 and under, 7 – 10, all ages or family, and special needs. The contest is free to participate. All entries must be received by Monday, December 14th at 4:30 p.m.

Preventative measures taken to promote public safety

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais announces the closure of the lobbies at the Administration Building 600 Main Street NW and at the Public Works Department 255 Mooney Drive, effective Monday, November 23rd. Lobbies will remain closed to the public until further notice. The Bourbonnais Police Department Records, Investigations and Administration Department will remain open at 700 Main Street NW during business hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

Completes police program despite COVID-19 delays

Bourbonnais, IL — The Bourbonnais Police Department is pleased to announce the recent graduation of Sergeant Craig King from the School of Police Staff and Command (SPSC) at Northwestern University. Sergeant Craig King has successfully completed the ten-week, 400-hour Staff and Command program held in Plainfield, Illinois, from January 6 - May 8, 2020. The program implemented by the Center for Public Safety in 1983 has graduated over 25,000 students both nationally and internationally. Sergeant Craig King was a student in SPSC Class #473 which accommodated a total of 39 students. He is a 19-year veteran of the Bourbonnais Police Department and was promoted to Sergeant in 2016.

The village introduces a safe community activity during the pandemic

Bourbonnais, IL – Get ready to deck your halls this season! The Village of Bourbonnais presents “A Holly Jolly Holiday Lighting Contest” sponsored by Brandon Casey’s Comfort Crew and ComEd. The new event for village residents encourages outdoor festive lighting and decorations. Participants will have a chance to win in traditional, themed and people’s choice categories.  An online map of all entry addresses will be available for community viewing December 4th through the 25th. The contest is free to participate, but preregistration is required by Monday, November 30th at 4:30 pm.

Online auction proceeds to benefit schoolhouse restoration

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais will begin selling their Chicago Bears street signs as a keepsake of the annual summer training camp. From 2001 to 2019, Bourbonnais welcomed the Chicago Bears and thousands of fans from across the country. Following an overwhelming response to the recent sale of the Chicago Bears welcome banners in August which sold-out in 22 minutes, the village located eight signs from their archives. The signage will be available to the public via online auction beginning Friday, November 13th at 7 a.m. and ending Sunday, November 22nd at 7 p.m.  All proceeds will benefit the 1837 Log Schoolhouse Restoration Project – Kankakee River Valley’s first log schoolhouse in Bourbonnais.

Committee announces cancelation amid ongoing pandemic

Bourbonnais, IL – The Chocolate Tour scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2021 has been officially canceled. After careful consideration, the Chocolate Tour Committee announces the annual event, cohosted by the Village of Bourbonnais and Bourbonnais Township Park District in conjunction with Sweet Street, will return Saturday, February 5, 2022. Following notification to the 2020 Chocolate Tour business stop participants and sponsors, the committee acknowledged due to the uncertainties of the months ahead, the 350-person event could not be safely executed.

Preventative measures taken to promote public safety

Bourbonnais, IL - The Village of Bourbonnais announces the closure of the Administration Building lobby at 600 Main Street NW. Monday, October 19, 2020, a village employee tested positive for COVID-19. As a precautionary measure, village officials immediately closed the lobby. Those employees who were in “close contact” with the employee have been identified and sent home to safely isolate. The lobby will remain closed through Friday, October 23, and the decision to reopen will be revisited again by officials on Monday, October 26. 

Community responds to online engagement

Bourbonnais, IL - 2020 has proven to be a year unlike any other. In an era where event calendars have been plagued with cancellations and postponement, the Village of Bourbonnais has promoted community engagement through another platform: online surveys. The recent Local Parks & Recreation Planning survey welcomed input from residents, businesses and visitors via an online survey in September 2020. 300 people participated in the three-minute survey and provided feedback as a part of efforts to create a master plan for upgrades and improvements to existing and future parks.

Villages invites naming in online survey #3

Bourbonnais, IL - In the fall of 2019, the Village of Bourbonnais announced its plans to create a dynamic and attractive central core for community gatherings around the Municipal Center and surrounding areas. The vision to create a high-quality, destination-focused center for residents and visitors to utilize for various seasonal functions and events year-round welcomed several public outreach opportunities in 2020. To-date, over 1,200 participants have engaged in ‘Imagine Bourbonnais’ through two online surveys and an open house event. The village invites the community to prioritize preferred concepts and have the opportunity to name the project before the deadline: Sunday, November 1, 2020.