Celebrate 150 years with Soirée de Bourbonnais kicking off our Sesquicentennial! Tickets now available here.


Social distancing suggestions from CDC provided

Bourbonnais, IL – Following weeks of review and awaiting public health guidance, Mayor Paul Schore and Village of Bourbonnais officials announce trick-or-treating will take place in Bourbonnais but may look a little different this year. Confirmed hours are 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 31, 2020 in the village. Unlike pre-pandemic Halloweens, village officials are providing social distancing suggestions and best practices from the Halloween and Costume Association in alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Village renews green electric aggregation program 

Bourbonnais, IL - Following the passage of a voter Referendum, the Village of Bourbonnais contracted to procure electric supply in bulk for residents and small business owners. The average participating Bourbonnais resident enjoyed savings on their ComEd bills for several years. The Village received bids to renew the program, but no savings were available versus the ComEd rate. However, the Village was able to secure new benefits at zero rate risk for ratepayers.

Proceeds benefit original Bourbonnais schoolhouse



Bourbonnais, IL – Monday, August 17, 2020, the Village of Bourbonnais will begin selling their Chicago Bears banners as a memento of the annual summer training camp in “Bearbonnais”. From 2001 to 2019, the banners lined the main streets of Bourbonnais welcoming the Chicago Bears and thousands of fans. All proceeds will benefit the Bourbonnais Grove Historical Society and the 1837 Log Schoolhouse Restoration Project.

Increase to reflect rising service costs

Bourbonnais, IL – Due to the continuation of increased sewer operating costs and refuse service costs, the village will propose a rate increase at the board meeting scheduled for Monday, August 3, 2020, to cover the growing expenses. The recommended increase will total $2.00 per month for a single, residential property within the Village of Bourbonnais. Current residential, single-family homes pay a monthly flat rate fee of $66.00, inclusive of sewer and refuse services. If approved, the rate increase will become effective beginning September 1, 2020 to allow residents and businesses adequate time in preparing for the adjustment. The last rate increase went into effect August 2019.

2020 Dinnerless Celebration for the Restoration of the First Log Schoolhouse

Bourbonnais, IL - (Shared From the Bourbonnais Grove Historical Society)

For Immediate Release

Dear Bourbonnais Grove Historical Society Members and Friends,

2020 Annual Fund Drive for Restoration of First Log Schoolhouse

Continues with Dinnerless Celebration!

2020 maintenance program begins June 25th

Bourbonnais, IL - In an ongoing effort to improve and update necessary infrastructure throughout the village, the annual MFT (Motor Fuel Tax) street maintenance and curb replacement program will begin Thursday, June 25th with the following areas included:

Village helps restaurants prepare for reopening


Bourbonnais, IL – On Sunday, May 24th, Governor Pritzker released new industry-specific guidelines to allow for a safe reopening of businesses as the state progresses into the next phase of the Restore Illinois plan. The governor stated all four regions in Illinois, including Kankakee County, were on track to move into Phase 3 on May 29. A major addition to the allowed activities under Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois reopening plan will now include outdoor dining at restaurants. Village of Bourbonnais officials are providing support to village restaurants by lending picnic tables for outdoor seating.

Village improves stormwater drainage issues

Bourbonnais, IL - The village announces the upcoming closure of US Route 45/52 between St. George Road and Burns Road beginning Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:00 a.m. The closure comes as a result of addressing stormwater drainage issues in the area. The drainage improvements coincide with Riverside Healthcare's expansion project at their Bourbonnais Campus. The property and the surrounding roadways are impacted by flooding caused by excessive stormwater accumulation. 

Board remains hopeful for 2020 occurrence

Bourbonnais, IL – Following careful consideration, the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival Board and Village of Bourbonnais announce the postponement of the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival until further notice. The 45th annual event, originally scheduled to take place Wednesday, June 24th through Sunday, June 28th, is the unofficial kick off to summer in the village. According to festival officials, the event dates can be rescheduled and flexible as-needed during alternative months (weather-permitting) and with consideration to other area festivals still scheduled.

Larry Power Road overpass to be demolished

Bourbonnais, IL - Beginning Monday, April 20, 2020, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will begin demolition of the existing Larry Power Road overpass as part of the replacement project over Interstate-57. As a result, I-57 will undergo four nightly closures from 7:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m. with anticipated conclusion on Friday, April 24, 2020 at 5:30 a.m. Motorists will be detoured via the following routes: