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IDOT Announces I-57 Nightly Closures

St. George Road overpass to be demolished

Bourbonnais, IL - Beginning Monday, July 8, 2019, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) confirms the St. George Road overpass will be demolished as a part of the replacement project over Interstate-57. As a result, I- 57 will undergo approximately five nightly closures from 8:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m. Motorists will be detoured accordingly via the following routes on Bourbonnais Parkway:

  • All northbound traffic on I-57 will be directed off at the 315 exit in Bradley, routed up IL-50 to Bourbonnais Parkway (6000 N Rd) and get back on at the exit 318 on ramp.
  • All southbound traffic will get off at the 318 exit and proceed east on Bourbonnais Parkway and head south on IL-50 to the exit 315 on ramp. 

We can all anticipate a significant traffic impact on our communities during that time. Please use caution in the construction areas, and pay close attention to the signage along the detour routes.

The Village of Bourbonnais thanks you for your patience!