Celebrate 150 years with Soirée de Bourbonnais kicking off our Sesquicentennial! Tickets now available here.


Annual event welcomes troops to local government

Bourbonnais, IL – Wednesday, February 22, the Village of Bourbonnais hosted Scout Day, an annual invitation for Bourbonnais Scouts to experience a day in the life of local government. The event returned following temporary cancelation due to COVID-19. Scout Day is in correlation with the village proclaiming February 5-11 as Scout Week in Bourbonnais. Nationally, Boy Scout Anniversary Week takes place the first week of February every year. The holiday helps to raise awareness for the Boy Scouts of America (B.S.A.) organization and also to show appreciation for their efforts.

Icy event returns March 4

Bourbonnais, IL — The Bourbonnais Police Department kicks off their fundraising efforts supporting Special Olympics Illinois with the 2023 Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge Saturday, March 4. Officers will take an icy dip in Manteno Lake at the Manteno Sportsmen’s Club located at 851 N. Main St. starting at 2 p.m.

Online donations can be made to the ‘Brrrbonnais Police’ team by visiting: https://soill.donordrive.com/team/13867 

Informational events for proposed property tax relief

Bourbonnais, IL – In order to help Bourbonnais residents become more informed on the upcoming election’s referendum, the Village of Bourbonnais is hosting two open house events before April 4.

Wednesday, March 1, and Wednesday, March 29, both sessions will be held 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the Bourbonnais Municipal Center 700 Main St. NW. All are welcome to meet with elected officials, discuss the proposed Non-Home Rule Sales Tax referendum for property tax relief and have questions directly answered in a casual environment.

Final days until the annual sold-out experience

Bourbonnais, IL – The sixth annual Chocolate Tour returns Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The community event is cohosted by the Village of Bourbonnais and Bourbonnais Township Park District, in conjunction with title sponsor Sweet Street. 350 tickets went on sale to the public Wednesday, December 15, 2022, and sold out in a matter of minutes.

With days remaining until the winter experience, the Village of Bourbonnais and Bourbonnais Township Park District announce a new second-chance raffle for those who were unable to purchase tickets.

Bourbonnais Police increase enforcement

Bourbonnais, IL — With the holidays in full swing, Bourbonnais Police is partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation to remind motorists about the dangers of impaired driving. Through January 2, law enforcement across Illinois will step up enforcement efforts with the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Drive High. Get a DUI.” traffic safety campaign.

Third annual event draws colorful turnout

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais is pleased to announce the winners for the third annual “Very Merry Coloring Contest” sponsored by Aqua Illinois and Milner Media. The contest was open to village residents of all ages and free to participate. The custom Bourbonnais coloring page could be downloaded and printed directly at home or printed copies were available at village hall. A total of 119 entries were received by the contest deadline December 12.

Winners announced for third annual lighting contest

Bourbonnais, IL – The “Holiday Homes & Holly Jolly Lighting Contest,” sponsored by Flight 102 Wine Bar and Brandon Casey’s Comfort Crew, continues to illuminate the Village of Bourbonnais through December 25. The third annual event began December 2 and encouraged residential festive lighting and decorations. Participants could enter for a chance to win in both Traditional and People’s Choice categories. An online map of 30 holiday homes is currently available for viewing here

Bourbonnais officer doubles the celebration

Bourbonnais, IL — Monday, November 21, Bourbonnais Police Chief, Jim Phelps, promoted Patrolman David Herberger, Jr., at the bi-monthly Village of Bourbonnais Board Meeting. Herberger took the oath of office in a room full of supporters, including his former canine partner, while being sworn into the rank of sergeant.  

Third annual event welcomes all ages

 Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais presents the third annual Very Merry Coloring Contest sponsored by Aqua Illinois and Milner Media. This free activity is open to village residents and provides a festive experience for all ages. The custom Bourbonnais coloring page can be downloaded and printed here. Copies are also available at the Administration Office during business hours at 600 Main Street NW.

Bourbonnais Police & Village now accepting donations

Bourbonnais, IL — The 31st annual Kankakee County Shop with a Cop event returns Sunday, December 11, 2022. The program, hosted by the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with the Bourbonnais Police Department and local law enforcement agencies, benefits underprivileged children in Kankakee County. The Bourbonnais Police Department at 700 Main St. NW and Village of Bourbonnais at 600 Main St. NW are accepting financial donations through Friday, December 9. Cash, coins and checks, made payable to Bourbonnais FOP Lodge #64, are all accepted.