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Icy event returns March 4

Bourbonnais, IL — The Bourbonnais Police Department kicks off their fundraising efforts supporting Special Olympics Illinois with the 2023 Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge Saturday, March 4. Officers will take an icy dip in Manteno Lake at the Manteno Sportsmen’s Club located at 851 N. Main St. starting at 2 p.m.

Online donations can be made to the ‘Brrrbonnais Police’ team by visiting: https://soill.donordrive.com/team/13867 

This ‘cool’ cause benefits over 21,000 Special Olympics Illinois athletes with intellectual disabilities and 9,000 Young Athletes across the state, according to the Special Olympics Illinois website.

‘Brrrbonnais Police’ have set a fundraising goal of $5,500 for 2023. Their 2022 efforts raised over $5,200.

“We always appreciate our community’s support of Special Olympics Illinois,” explained Sergeant Jason Sztuba. “Donations help provide athletes the opportunity to participate in year-round programming, leadership and personal development, as well as health education.”

Bourbonnais Police annually raise awareness for Special Olympics Illinois and participate in various fundraising events including Dunkin’ Cop on a Rooftop, Culver’s ButterBurgers and Badges and the intrastate Law Enforcement Torch Run.

To learn more about the Bourbonnais Police Department and its community policing, click here.