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Annual informational event welcomes all

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais invites residents and businesses to attend a Community Open House on Tuesday, October 11, 5:30-7:00 p.m. The event will take place in the newly renovated Community Room within the Bourbonnais Municipal Center at 700 Main St. NW. All are welcome to attend and meet with elected officials, village management and staff in a casual environment.

Attendees will learn about available services in the village as well as receive information about the Non-Home Rule Sales Tax Referendum and proposed property tax rebate program.

A welcome and brief remarks from Bourbonnais Mayor, Paul Schore, will take place at 6:00 p.m.

“We look forward to the Community Open House returning,” said Mayor Schore. “The village hasn’t hosted this event since before COVID. There have been many new updates including the village’s referendum on the November 8 election ballot. This is an opportunity for Bourbonnais residents and businesses to connect, receive information and have questions directly answered by officials.”

Registration is not required for the Community Open House.

For more information about the "Non-Home Rule Sales Tax Referendum" and proposed property rebate program, click here.