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Second annual event draws colorful turnout

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais is pleased to announce the winners for the second annual “Very Merry Coloring Contest” sponsored by Aqua Illinois and Milner Media. The contest was open to village residents of all ages and free to participate. The custom Bourbonnais coloring page could be downloaded and printed directly at home. A total of 56 entries were received by the contest deadline November 29th.

New this year, first place winners were invited to help Mayor Paul Schore light a special holiday tree on Thursday, December 2nd, at the village's first “Rockin’ Around the Tree Lighting” event.

Congratulations to the following winners:

Ages 6 & Under Category

  • 1st Place: Max Edwards
  • 2nd Place: Vivian Tingley
  • 3rd Place: Callen Brown

Ages 7-10 Category

  • 1st Place: Peter Manes
  • 2nd Place: Maggie Manes
  • 3rd Place: Grace West

 All Ages/Family Category

  • 1st Place: Ellen Ehrman
  • 2nd Place: Anna Manes
  • 3rd Place: Kate Ehrman

Special Needs Category

  • 1st Place: Kathryn Hofman
  • 2nd Place: Luke Widstrom

“We would like to congratulate all winners and thank each entry for participating,” said Mayor Paul Schore, “There are some very talented artists here in Bourbonnais. We hope residents enjoyed this colorful and creative activity for all ages this holiday season.”

Official judging took place by an outside panel of judges. 1st place winners in each category received a $100 Visa gift card. 2nd place winners in each category received a $50 Visa gift card, and 3rd place winners in each category received a $25 Visa gift card. Prizes were made possible by the event sponsors.