Celebrate 150 years with Soirée de Bourbonnais kicking off our Sesquicentennial! Tickets now available here.


Preparedness measures taken to mitigate COVID-19

*This page is regularly updated. 

Bourbonnais, IL – Following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the Kankakee County Health Department and ongoing communications with the State of Illinois and Governor JB Pritzker, the Village of Bourbonnais will be taking the following actions effective immediately to mitigate potential community impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus):

  • Village of Bourbonnais Administration & Public Works operations continue and public requests or services may be electronically handled at www.villageofbourbonnais.com or by calling the Administration Office at 815-937-3570 or Public Works at 815-937-0817.
  • The Bourbonnais Police Department Records, Investigations and Administration Department will remain open at 700 Main Street NW. Emergencies may always dial 911. For non-emergencies, please call 815-937-3579.
  • Village of Bourbonnais Rental Facilities will be closed until further notice. All reservations made within the Community Room and at Children’s Safety Center will be issued a full refund. No reservations will be taken until further notice.
  • The Community Prayer Breakfast event has been postponed and will no longer take place on Saturday, April 4, 2020. Those who have purchased tickets or made donations will be issued a full refund and further information will be sent in the mail. A new date will be announced at a later time.
  • Local Parks and the Event & Skate Plaza will be closed until further notice. This includes playground equipment, tennis and basketball courts.
  • The Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees meetings will continue on as scheduled and be held virtually via Zoom. Meeting invitations and information will be shared publicly for online attendance once available. Meeting presentations and student pledgers have been rescheduled for a later date.
  • Effective March 20, 2020, credit card and e-check processing fees for utility payments are temporarily waived over the next 60 days. Click here for available payment options.
  • Effective Monday, April 20, 2020, Republic Services has reinstated yard waste removal.
  • Effective Monday, April 27, 2020, Republic Services has reinstated bulk waste removal.
  • Thursday, May 14, 2020, the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival Committee announces the 2020 event is postponed until further notice.
  • Effective, May 29, 2020, garage sales in the village are now permitted with guidance from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity which includes gatherings of no more than 10 people and that social distancing be maintained.
  • Effective Friday, June 26, 2020, all village parks are reopened for recreation.
  • Effective Tuesday, June 30, 2020, credit card and e-check processing fees will be reinstated for payments.
  • Monday, July 20, 2020, the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival Committee announces the 2020 event is officially canceled. 
  • Monday, October 19, 2020 the Administration office is closed to the public until further notice.
  • Monday, November 23, 2020 the Administration Building lobby at 600 Main St. NW and Public Works Department lobby at 255 Mooney Dr. are closed to the public until further notice.
  • Monday, February 1, 2021 the Administration Building lobby at 600 Main St. NW and Public Works Department lobby at 255 Mooney Dr. are reopened to the public.

“These village actions are an informed approach to what we feel is in the best interest of our community’s health and safety,” expressed Mayor Paul Schore. “We’ve been regularly monitoring the rapidly-changing situation involving the coronavirus through credible sources and have made these decisions accordingly.”

“Our intent is to never impose fear. These are precautionary measures and should not be taken lightly. We all need to do our part as civilians to help improve the ongoing conditions and practice social distancing. Let’s not forget good hygiene and continue to support our small businesses through various alternative methods. We shall get through this but safety first.”





    • Mail Payments - 600 Main St. NW Bourbonnais, IL 60914
    • Dropbox - Check payments can be delivered to the drop box located in front of the Administration Building at 600 Main St. NW.
    • Online Payments - Credit card, debit cards and e-check payments accepted. Click here.
    • Over the Phone Payments - Credit card only (No Visa or debit accepted for this method.) Please call us 815-937-3570.
    • ACH Program - This payment program is an auto-draft from your bank account the day before your bill is due each month. No fees. Click here to signup. Payments will begin on the following billing cycle.
    • Online Bill Payment (via bank)
    • All move-in and out notifications will be handled over the phone. Please call 815-937-3570.
    • No rental reservations will be granted effective immediately through May 1, 2020. We will reevaluate the evolving circumstances at that time.
    • All deposit and room rental fees shall be reimbursed.
    • Please call 815-937-3570.
    • Permit Applications - Click here.
      • Completed applications may be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
      • Following submission, a Building Department associate will contact you to confirm receipt, address any questions or concerns, relay payment due, accept credit card payment over the phone, provide estimated time frame for permit issuance, email a receipt along with the permit to preferred email address provided.
      • Questions? Please call 815-937-3575.
    • Landlord Registration - Click here.
      • Forms can be submitted in the drop box in front of the Administration Building at 600 Main St. NW.
      • Questions? Please call 815-937-3575.
    • Rental Inspections - All inspections have been postponed until after May 1, 2020.
      • Questions? Please call 815-937-3575.
    • For FOIA request form, click here.
    • Completed forms may be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Questions? Please call us at 815-937-3570 and we'll be happy to assist you!