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Outdoor event July 23rd

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais presents Movie in the Park this Friday, July 23rd at Goselin Park located behind the Bourbonnais Municipal Center at 700 Main Street NW. Trolls World Tour will be the feature film beginning around 8 p.m. or dusk. Attendees are reminded to bring blankets or lawn chairs for viewing. The free outdoor event is sponsored in part by Aqua Illinois, AMITA Health St. Mary’s Hospital, Chicago Dough, ComEd, Fieldstone Credit Union and Gas N Wash Bourbonnais.

To sweeten up the outdoor movie experience, Sweet Street will pop in with movie snacks including popcorn, cotton candy, shaved ice and beverages available for purchase.

“The village is pleased to provide new outdoor summer events for the community,” stated Village of Bourbonnais Mayor, Paul Schore. “We encourage all ages to come out, have fun and enjoy the free show. I look forward to seeing everyone!”

Movie in the Park is the first event from the village’s new “Summer Vibes in the Village of Bourbonnais” lineup. Yoga in the Park will take place Saturday, July 31st 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and Food Truck Fest Saturday, August 31st 4 pm. to 8 p.m., both in Goselin Park.

“These events are a little sneak peek of what’s to come as the village progresses toward the Community Campus construction next year,” explained Village of Bourbonnais Marketing & Public Engagement Manager, Lindy Casey. “We look forward to creating a centralized location for residents and visitors of all ages to gather throughout the year while providing opportunities to showcase our business community.”  

Movie in the Park is weather-permitting. For event announcements, please follow the Village of Bourbonnais’ Facebook event here.

For those wanting to get involved, contact Village of Bourbonnais Marketing & Public Engagement Manager, Lindy Casey: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-937-3570

To review the summer event lineup, click here.