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Planning progresses with public participation

Bourbonnais, IL - The Village of Bourbonnais announces the next public engagement phase of the Community Campus Plan. Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., the village invites residents, businesses and visitors to attend an open house in the Municipal Center Community Room at 700 Main St. NW. In the fall of 2019, the village announced its plans to create a dynamic and attractive central core for community gatherings around the Municipal Center and surrounding areas. The open house event follows a recent Community Campus Plan online survey in which over 1,100 participants shared input and ideas in response to the village’s outreach efforts to ‘Imagine Bourbonnais’.

The first open house will include interactive workshops for the community to help determine campus planning goals and further offers opportunities to engage in initial visioning exercises. One example includes a visual preference station that will solicit feedback on the look and feel of spaces and facilities as well as the types of programming that the community wants to see in the future.

“We recognized the need for the campus plan, but the response from the community thus far has showed us what that need is,” explained Mayor Paul Schore. “The open house is another initial opportunity for public input, and we strongly encourage involvement. In these digital times, it can be easy to click and complain. We are trying to make it easier for the public to come and voice their ideas.”

All ages are encouraged to participate and can arrive at any time during the open house. The event will take place in a comfortable setting and be led by The Lakota Group – an urban planning and landscape architecture consulting firm – with support from village officials.

To learn more about the Community Campus Plan and upcoming input opportunities, visit