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Village offers online questionnaire

Bourbonnais, IL - The Village of Bourbonnais invited the public to a Community Open House on Thursday, March 5, 2020 as a part of their engagement outreach for the Community Campus Plan. In the fall of 2019, the village announced its plans to create a dynamic and attractive central core for community gatherings around the Municipal Center and surrounding areas. The open house event followed a recent Community Campus Plan online survey in which over 1,100 participants shared input and ideas in response to the village’s engagement efforts to ‘Imagine Bourbonnais’. To provide an additional input opportunity, the village is now offering the open house questionnaire online for those who were unable to attend the recent event.

The first open house included interactive workshops for the community to help determine campus planning goals and opportunities to engage in initial visioning exercises. Examples included a visual preference station that solicited feedback on the look and feel of spaces and facilities as well as the types of programming that the community wants to see in the future.

The online questionnaire will consist of the same exercises and format from the open house event to ensure all data compiled is consistent for planning purposses. The survey will take approximately 25 to 45 minutes to complete and questions may be skipped over at any time. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, April 14, 2020. Please do not complete if you previously attended the open house and submitted the questionnaire.

Complete the Community Campus Plan Open House online questionnaire by clicking here.

There will be an additional online survey and open house for further input opportunities throughout the planning process scheduled at a later date.

To learn more about the Community Campus Plan and upcoming input opportunities, click here.