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Five-year run breaks record

Bourbonnais, IL – After a year hiatus, the Village of Bourbonnais and Bourbonnais Township Park District, in conjunction with title sponsor, Sweet Street, welcomed the sold-out Chocolate Tour on Saturday, February 5, 2022. 350 participants explored Village of Bourbonnais businesses while indulging in sweet treats at each location. Those who completed 36 business stops were eligible to enter a grand prize and runner-up grand prize drawing. Congratulations to Barb Staniszeski, Kankakee, who won the grand prize – a 14k rose gold white and chocolate diamond ring - courtesy of Andaul Jewelers. Congratulations to Jerry Forbes, Manteno, who won the runner-up grand prize - a 43” 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV - provided by the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival.

The Chocolate Tour Committee confirms 2022 event proceeds totaled over $18,000, breaking the previous record of $11,800 in 2020. Completing its fifth year, Chocolate Tour grossed the highest number of ticket sale revenue and event sponsorships since its origination in 2017.

“After taking a year off due to COVID, we were uncertain if the winter event would still have the same desire from the community,” explained Bourbonnais Mayor, Paul Schore. “There were many unknown factors this year and it proved to be the most challenging, but the Committee was determined to safely pull it off. Together, with the Bourbonnais Township Park District, we were able to do just that.”

Village of Bourbonnais Marketing & Public Engagement Manager, Lindy Casey, added due to COVID, event modifications included offering early event check-in opportunities, raffle basket entries online and all winner announcements took place on Facebook Live versus in person.

Chocolate Tour continues its commitment to benefitting the community with proceeds supporting Robert Latham Community Room renovations in the Bourbonnais Municipal Center – an event space available to village residents throughout the year - and new programs for children and family-focused events at Perry Farm Park.

Proceeds from previous Chocolate Tour events have benefitted the Event and Skate Plaza, Children’s Safety Center, the 1837 Log Schoolhouse Restoration Project and free events for the public. 

“Our mission is enriching the quality of life and this event is just one example of our team at BTPD striving to make our community a better place,” explained Brian Hebert, President of Bourbonnais Township Park District.  “It’s a great thing to say that we came out of COVID, and we got to see a lot of new people at Chocolate Tour. We appreciate all those who participated, and it was wonderful to see everyone having a good time. We encourage new faces and old to stop by the park district and see the great things that are happening.”

The 2023 Chocolate Tour is scheduled for Saturday, February 4. Event information will be available this fall at villageofbourbonnais.com and btpd.org.