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CDC confirms Halloween safety

Bourbonnais, IL – The Village of Bourbonnais announces trick-or-treating hours will take place on Sunday, October 31, 2021 from 4 to 7 p.m. in Bourbonnais. Village officials’ decision comes following recent direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and reviewing residential input from 2020.

“Halloween and trick-or-treating are not village-hosted events; however, we want to make certain our community children are able to have fun while remaining healthy and safe,” explained Bourbonnais Mayor, Paul Schore.

CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, publicly announced earlier this week that kids can trick-or-treat safely this year with recommendations to trick-or-treat outside, limit crowds and avoid crowded Halloween parties.

The newly extended Bourbonnais trick-or-treating hours offer families the opportunity to take part in the annual Halloween tradition during daylight hours and following sunset if they choose. Sunset is currently estimated at 5:49 p.m., according to sunrise-sunset.org.  

“In addition to health professional guidance, we took a look at what our residents suggested from the previous year,” said Mayor Schore. “Some requested longer hours due to the weekend and others enjoyed the daylight experience or wanted a more festive evening experience. Either way, we feel participants will make the safest choices that are best suited for their families and health.”

For those who would prefer to opt-out of trick-or-treating this year, alternative Halloween activities can include pumpkin carving, apple picking, baking treats, Halloween decorating and crafts, themed movies, games and a family night in.

To view upcoming Village of Bourbonnais events, click here.