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Shape the Future of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais, IL - The 2020 Census invitation has hit the mail and village officials are encouraging resident responses. The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States every ten years. The results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding will be allocated. The critical data provides lawmakers, business owners, teachers and many others use the data to provide daily services, products and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads and other resources based on Census data. Help make an impact and shape the future of Bourbonnais.

"A complete and accurate count is extremely important. I cannot stress that enough," expressed Mayor Paul Schore. "If you want to keep your taxes low, respond to the Census. If you want more programs and services here, respond to the Census."

Residents will receive their invitations via mail with information on how to respond to the Census March 12th through March 20th. PLEASE DO NOT THROW THIS INFORMATION AWAY! Households may respond to the Census by mail, by phone or new this year is the option to respond online. If you do not respond, Census takers will begin visiting households to make sure everyone is counted May through July 2020.

The 2020 Census will determine congressional representation, informs hundreds of billions in federal funding each year and provide data that will impact Bourbonnais over the next decade.