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What type of incentives are available for development in the Village of Bourbonnais?

Depending on the development location, incentive programs may include Business District, Downtown TIF, Industrial TIF and Enterprise Zone.

What is TIF?

TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing. A tax increment is the difference between the amount of property tax revenue generated before TIF district designation and the amount of property tax revenue generated after the TIF designation.

Is TIF a tax increase?

Only property taxes generated by the incremental increase in value of TIF district are available for TIF projects. Tax rates do not change when a TIF is created. TIF districts do not increase taxes.

Where can I learn more about the new I-57 Bourbonnais Parkway Interchange?

Thank-you for your interest in the Village of Bourbonnais! Click here to learn more about the Bourbonnais Parkway Interchange. For economic development opportunities, please contact 815-802-5323 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

What types of development tools are available?

The Village has a full array of development tools to assist in the construction of new retail and commercial buildings, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Tax Increment Financing - Under the terms of redevelopment agreements, multi-year property tax rebates are available for a wide range of eligible expenses, including land acquisition, site improvements, infrastructure and interest expenses.
  • Enterprise Zones - Enterprise Zone benefits include waiver of building permit, exemption from sales taxes on materials used in construction and various investment tax credits.
  • Sales Tax Sharing - Under terms of redevelopment agreements, multi-year sale tax sharing plans will be considered.
  • Fast Tracking Plans - The Village's Building Department will work with developers on the fast tracking of site plans and construction plans to ensure timely approvals of development initiatives.

Who do I contact for Village of Bourbonnais development opportunities?

Thank-you for your interest in the Village of Bourbonnais! For economic development opportunities, please contact 815-802-5323 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.